Wanna join us?
Great! We really appreciate your interest.
Who can become a member?
EGHPN will accept individual members or NGOs working on preventing and reducing gambling-related harms at individual, communal and societal levels.
Declaration of conflict of interest
The network does not take or accept money, sponsorship or other benefits from the gambling industry.
Each member NGO and private person is obliged to inform the network if they have any conflict of interests that should be disclosed.
In case of failure to disclose a conflict of interest, a membership in the network may be terminated by the decision of the executive board.
Membership benefits
Access to webinars, meetings, conferences, campaigns, newsletters
Sharing best practices, experiences, knowledge, research data
A platform to share your work (blog text, sharing posts on social media, presentations etc.)
Advocacy work: Commenting on policy discussions, taking part in policy processes as a network
Political support and consultation services
Resources to make a national and an international impact on gambling policies and regulations
Membership fees
Members will be asked to make a financial contribution to support the operating costs (starting from 2023). Grants will be directed to EHYT under the EGHPN dimension.
Organizations 300 € /year
Individuals 50 € /year
Payment information will be sent directly to approved applicants. EGHPN operates under EHYT Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention. EGHPN and EHYT will not be accepting any money from the gambling industry.
How to become a member of the EGHPN?
Start by filling the application form
The EGHPN Board will go through the memberships applications and inform every applicant within 2-6 weeks.
Once the Board has accepted the application, members will be asked to make a financial contribution (membership fee) to support the operating costs.